Month: December 2022

Great Britain has no friends and no enemies, it has eternal interests.

“Böyük Britaniyanın dostu və düşməni yoxdur, əbədi maraqları var” – bunu Böyük Britaniyanın böyükləri deyib. Böyük Britaniyanın Azərbaycanda iqtisadi maraqları olmasaydı, BP şirkətinin Xəzərdə böyük yatırımları və milyardlarla qazancı olmasaydı, bəlkə də bizim üçün Londonun Parisdən fərqi olmayacaqdı. London İkinci Qarabağ müharibəsində Fransa kimi mövqe sərgiləmədi. Ancaq nə baş verdi ki, London bu dəfə “əbədi maraqlarına” tərs addım atdı? Böyük Britaniyanın BMT Təhlükəsizlik Şurasındakı təmsilçisi eyni ilə digərləri kimi Azərbaycana “yolun açılmasıyla” bağlı çağırışa qoşuldu. Halbuki, Böyük Britaniyanın təmsilçisi balanslı mövqedən çıxış edə bilərdi. Etmədi. Görünür, Londondan təlimat belə imiş. Azərbaycanın Böyük Britaniyadakı səfiri kimdirsə, bu mövzuda ada rəsmiləri və diplomatlarıyla görüşlər keçirməli, Londonun mövqeyindəki dəyişikliyin səbəblərini öyrənməlidir. Böyük Britaniyanın BMT Təhlükəsizlik Şurasının 5 daimi üzvündən biri olması səbəbindən Londonun Azərbaycanla tərəfdaşlıqdan qopmamasına çalışmalıyıq.


Why did the Armenian authorities refuse the meeting?

Azərbaycan, Rusiya və Ermənistan xarici işlər nazirləri sabah Moskvada görüşməli idilər. Ermənistan hakimiyyəti bu görüşdən imtina edib. Bunun səbəbi nədir? Başda Ermənistanın baş naziri Nikol Paşinyan olmaqla erməni rəsmilər Ermənistanı Qarabağla birləşdirən yolda baş verənlərə görə Rusiyanı ittiham etməyə başlayıblar. Bunların məntiqinə görə Rusiya hərbi kontingenti yolu zor gücünə açmalıdır. Azərbaycan vətəndaşlarının yolda etirazı 11-ci gündür davam edir və qarşıdurma yoxdur. Rusiya hərbçiləri etirazçılara qarşı zor tətbiq etsələr bu avtomatik Azərbaycan-Rusiya münasibətlərini gərginləşdirəcək. Rusiya Ukraynada apardığı işğalçı müharibə fonunda Azərbaycanla münasibətləri gərginləşdirməkdən çəkinir. Çünki sözdə də olsa Kreml Azərbaycanı “strateji tərəfdaş” adlandırır.
Ermənistan hakimiyyəti nazirlərin üçtərəfli görüşündən zəif tərəf görüntüsü yaratmamaq üçün imtina edib. Çünki erməni nazir görüşdə iştirak etsəydi belə bu Ermənistanla Qarabağı birləşdirən yolda heç bir dəyişikliyə səbəb olmayacaqdı. Azərbaycan bu və ya digər şəkildə yola nəzarətdən imtina etməyəcək. Ermənistan hakimiyyəti erməni cəmiyyətində tam nüfuzdan düşməmək üçün görüşdən imtinaya qərar verib. Bəs Ermənistan hakimiyyətinin indiki vəziyyətdə alternativi nədir? “Ermənistanla Qarabağı birləşdirən yolu BMT və ATƏT nəzarətə götürsün” – bu, Nikol Paşinyanın təklifidir. Bunun reallaşmayacağını özü də anlayır. Birincisi, buna Azərbaycan razılaşmaz, ikincisi, Rusiya öz hərbçilərini bölgəyə ona görə göndərməyib ki, BMT və ATƏT qüvvələri ilə bölüşsün. O biri tərəfdən ATƏT-in ümumiyyətlə hərbi kontingenti yoxdur.

They want to drag us into an unjust situation even though we are right

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Discussions in the UN Security Council and Western countries' calls to Azerbaijan regarding "opening the road" are proof of this. They ignored our explanations. Don't worry, there will always be those who don't want to hear us, if only our diplomats worked harder, the result could be different for us.
There are several options for the development of events.
The first option: our protest on the road connecting Armenia and Karabakh will last until the day when monitoring is allowed in the fields. At this time, the pressure of different countries against Azerbaijan will continue. But they cannot force us to do anything. For 28 years, Armenia did not fulfill 4 resolutions of the UN Security Council, and none of the Western countries pressured Yerevan because of this. If the UN resolutions were not fulfilled, why should we fulfill the "challenge" of a part of the state?
Second option: Our soldiers are already stationed on the road connecting Armenia and Karabakh. Even if we stop the civil protest at some stage, we have changed the result in our favor, the Azerbaijani military will easily check the vehicles entering and leaving the region at the post on the road. Civilians will cross the road, weapons, ammunition, mines and criminals will not be able to cross. After that, the lie of Armenians "the road is closed" will not work. Even if we take control of the road, the issue of monitoring the deposits will remain relevant.
Other options are also possible. The main thing is that we have gone down the road and the Armenian separatists carrying weapons and mines to the region have lost their comfort. At the next stage, we need to make our thesis "the road is not closed, it is under control, civilians and patients can use it" accepted by the international world with evidence and images.


Delhi is unhappy with the Kremlin's policy


Russia is trying to abandon the dollar in trade with various countries against the backdrop of harsh Western sanctions. One of these countries is India. But there are risks of switching from dollar to rupee in Russia's trade with India. The Indian currency has depreciated by 10 percent against the dollar. Russia exports more to India, and imports less from this country. This means that more rupees will flow into Russia. What will Russia do with this money? Balancing trade between the two countries is difficult.
Nevertheless, Russian banks opened accounts in Indian banks in rupees. Russia increased oil sales to India. Since Russia cannot sell oil to Western countries, it sells oil to India at a low price. India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world economically. India's need for oil has increased. In addition to Russia, India also buys oil from Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the United States. Russia is trying to overtake these countries in oil sales to India. For example, in November of this year, 40 percent of the oil sold by Russia to foreign countries fell to India. 15 percent of Russian oil was sold to Turkey and 5 percent to China.
Russian economic experts have expressed their opinion about the risks of selling more oil to India. The switch to the rupee in trade creates a surplus for Russia. Russian exports to India exceed imports from this country 10 times. In 2021, the volume of trade between Russia and India was 13.5 billion dollars. This year, the volume of trade exchange has increased even more. In order to sell more oil to India, Russia has offered to jointly manufacture tankers with this country.
In his last meeting with his Indian counterpart Subramayan Jayshankar in Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed the importance of increasing trade between the two countries to 30 billion dollars. Moscow is also trying to expand cooperation with Delhi in the military and technical field.
Nevertheless, Delhi is worried about Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine. For example, according to some news agencies, Indian Prime Minister Nadendra Modi postponed his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to Bloomberg, the reason for the postponement of the meeting is related to the war in Ukraine. Delhi was dissatisfied with the statements of Russian officials about the use of nuclear weapons. For this reason, the Russian-Indian summit did not take place.


What is in Putin's letter?

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Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council, leader of the "United Russia" Party Dmitry Medvedev visited China on December 21 and met with the leader of this country, Xi Jinping. Medvedev delivered the letter of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Xi Jinping.
In the meeting with Dmitry Medvedev, Xi Jinping expressed his interest in deepening the cooperation between the ruling parties of the two countries. According to him, the Chinese Communist Party will expand cooperation with the "United Russia" Party. But there was no point in visiting Beijing just to emphasize this.
While Medveyev was meeting with Xi Jinping in Beijing, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was meeting with US President Joe Biden at the White House. By sending Medvedev to Beijing, the Kremlin seemed to want to weaken the reaction of Zelensky's visit to the United States in the international world. Nevertheless, Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to the United States and his speech at the Congress overshadowed Medvedev's visit to Beijing. The US will increase its financial and military support to Ukraine.
Medvedev's meeting with Sinpin discussed bilateral relations as well as the war in Ukraine. Beijing's position is that it is important to stop the war and establish peace. Xi Jinping said that prolonging the war does not benefit either side. It is Russia that continues the war and occupation. Beijing does not criticize the Kremlin for this, but instead expands cooperation with Russia.
Western countries are tightening sanctions against Russia. In this situation, the Kremlin is trying to sell more oil and gas to China, the world's largest market. Beijing is ready to increase imports of Russian oil and gas, just trying to lower the price.
The main question is: What is in Putin's letter to Xi Jinping?
Western experts state in the letter that it is important to expand Russian-Chinese cooperation in all fields. The number of Russian partners has decreased. Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine has deterred many from getting close to the Kremlin, and even Delhi is trying to distance itself from Moscow. Therefore, the main hopes of the Kremlin are in China. The Kremlin wants to see China on its side in the war of aggression against Ukraine.


A pandemic is not an obstacle to war

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The pandemic has returned to China. Beijing's years of "zero covid policy" and strict lockdowns have not worked. In China, millions of people are infected with the virus every day, and the number has increased so much that Beijing has announced that it will not announce the daily number of patients. According to some sources, about 250 million people have been infected with covid in China in the last 20 days. Covid has spread faster in the capital Beijing and Shanghai. Hospitals are full. According to CNN, the number of deaths in China has also increased. According to Chinese virologists, the current covid is different from the original strain.
The resurgence of the coronavirus in China has scared neighboring countries. The Indian government urged the population to be careful. Meanwhile, the recent incident at the China-India border has sparked serious debate in Delhi. During the debates in the Indian Parliament, the opposition in the form of the "Indian National Congress" criticized the government's policies. According to the representatives of the opposition, the government cannot ensure the security of the country. The opposition called on the government to review relations with Beijing. However, the "Indian National Congress", which was in power for many decades, had close ties with China.
The government does not accept criticism from the opposition. The Indian government has deployed quite large military units on the border with China. Starting from 2020, China has gathered a large number of troops on the mountainous part of the border with India. Delhi has not left Beijing's policy unanswered.
The situation on the border is likely to escalate again at any moment. A small conflict can lead to a big war. Nevertheless, contacts between the Chinese Communist Party and the ruling Bharata Janata Party of India continue. This is what upsets the Indian opposition.
The widespread spread of the pandemic does not hinder the plans of the great powers. The border clash between China and India two years ago coincided with the days of the widespread spread of covid.


About us

"Atlas" Research Center was founded in Baku in 2003 by a group of political experts. The head of the center is political analyst Elkhan Sahinoglu.


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