Day: March 10, 2023

Who will be elected president in Turkey?

The President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan made the right decision, postponing the presidential and parliamentary elections would not be correct from a political and legal point of view. The election will be held on May 14. Of course, based on the results of the terrible earthquake, there were opinions about postponing the election to 6 months or 1 year later. However, according to the Turkish Constitution, the election can be postponed only in case of war. On the other hand, it was preferred to hold the election in a short time rather than keeping the country in a state of election tension for a year.
We will watch an interesting election campaign in brother Turkey. The most common questions I face are: "Who will be elected", "which candidate do you prefer" and "if Erdogan loses, will it have a negative effect on the Turkey-Azerbaijani alliance". My answer to the first two questions is that whoever will be elected will be good and successful for Turkey, and we must respect the choice of Turkish citizens. My answer to the last question is that Erdogan did great things to strengthen the Turkish-Azerbaijani alliance, and we will never forget his support in the Second Karabakh War. No one is forever, I believe that the future Presidents of the brotherly country will continue Erdogan's policy of alliance with Azerbaijan. Turkish society and army will not accept that any President does not take into account the security interests of Azerbaijan.

Why did the American diplomat return to Baku?

ABŞ Dövlət Departamentinin Qafqaz danışıqları üzrə baş müşaviri Lui Bono martın 6-da Bakıda prezident İlham Əliyevlə görüşdükdən sonra İrəvana gedib Nikol Paşinyanla fikir mübadiləsi apardı. Adətən bölgəyə gəliş iki ölkəyə səfərlə yekunlaşır. Ancaq amerikalı diplomat yenidən Bakıya qayıdaraq xarici işlər naziri Ceyhun Bayramovla görüşüb. Məsələ burasındadır ki, Bono martın 6-da Bakıda olanda Ceyhun Bayramov ölkədə yox idi. Fikrimcə, amerikalı diplomatın Bakıya qayıdışı yalnız Ceyhun Baryamovla görüşlə bağlı deyildi. Bono Bakıdan İrəvana və yenidən Bakıya geri qayıtmaqla iki ölkə arasında sülh sazişi üzərində danışıqları intensivləşdirmək istəyir. Digər tərəfdən Bononun bölgədə olduğu müddətdə Qarabağda toqquşma baş verib. Vaşinqton yeni müharibənin qarşısını da almağa çalışır.

Armenia will leave the organization

Baş nazir Nikol Paşinyan hakimiyyətə gələn kimi Ermənistanın Kollektiv Təhlükəsizlik Müqaviləsi Təşkilatının erməni baş katibi Yuri Xaçaturov haqqında cinayət işi açdı və təşkilat rəhbərsiz qaldı. Bu hadisə Kremlin ciddi narazılığına səbəb oldu, çünki başsız qalan təşkilatın fəaliyyəti bir müddət iflic oldu və bu Qərblə mübarizə aparan Rusiya üçün imic zərbəsi idi. Paşinyan İkinci Qarabağ müharibəsində sonra təşkilatın ünvanına tənqidlərini artırdı, KTMT-nin Ermənistanı müdafiə etmədiyini bildirdi. Paşinyan bugünlərdə Berlindəki çıxışında təşkilatı sabun köyünə bənzətdi. İrəvan təşkilatın bu il Ermənistanda nəzərdə tutulan təlimlərindən imtina edib. Paşinyan təşkilata növbəti zərbəsini vurub. Ermənistan Kollektiv Təhlükəsizlik Müqaviləsi Təşkilatının baş katibinin müavini kvotasından imtina edib. Qaldı bircə addım – KTMT üzvülüyünü tərk etmək. Hadisələr buna doğru gedir.

Washington has expectations from Central Asia

Before the meeting of foreign ministers of the "big 20" in India, the ministers of rival countries visited each other in different places. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Baku on February 27, and from there he attended the meeting in Delhi. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken went to Delhi after visiting Central Asian countries.

Anthony Blinken participated in the 5+1 format meeting in Central Asian countries. In addition to Blinken, the foreign ministers of 5 Central Asian countries participated in this meeting. This format has been operating since 2015. Blinken also met with the presidents of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and exchanged wide views on the expansion of relations.

The main goal of Washington's cooperation with this region is to reduce the influence of Russia and China in Central Asia. However, in order to achieve this, US investments in Central Asian countries should increase. Otherwise, it will not be possible to suppress Russia and China in the region. There are several factors working in favor of Russia and China.

Firstly, Millions of citizens of Central Asian countries work as cheap labor in Russia and send their earnings home. That finance has a certain share in the budgets of Central Asian countries.

Second, The pipelines of several Central Asian countries pass through Russia. Kazakhstan transports its oil, and Turkmenistan's gas, through pipelines passing through Russia to Dumya markets. It is true that at this time, Russia also dictates the conditions to Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan also have energy cooperation with China.

thirdly, China has invested billions of dollars in Central Asian countries. Central Asian countries have huge debts to China. In exchange for these debts, Beijing tries to dictate terms to those countries in a number of cases.

Nevertheless, Washington informs Central Asian countries about the threat of Russia and China. For example, Anthony Blinken mentioned Russia 10 times during his press conference in Astana and called this country an aggressor each time. Blinken also said at the press conference that he supports the reform program of Kazakhstan President Tokayev.

Although Blinken did not name China at the press conference, he urged his Central Asian colleagues to be careful in their relations with Beijing in closed meetings. In 2023, China increased its military budget by 7 phases. This is equivalent to about 225 billion dollars.

Beijing has linked the increase in military spending to the challenges it faces. Obviously, it is about the rising tension around Taiwan. However, there is tension in China's relations with Taiwan and the US as well as neighboring countries. Because of this, Beijing has increased its military spending. There is no tension in Beijing's relations with Central Asian countries. Nevertheless, China's growing military power is also closely watched by Central Asian countries.

"Atlas" Research Center

About us

"Atlas" Research Center was founded in Baku in 2003 by a group of political experts. The head of the center is political analyst Elkhan Sahinoglu.


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