Day: May 15, 2023

Transport routes shape Eurasia

Transport routes shape the Eurasian region, countries are eager to participate in transport projects, because this increases the strategic importance and income of those countries. The absolute majority of transport networks in Eurasia start or will start from China. Azerbaijan is also on the "Silk Road". This is the importance of the Zangezur corridor.

The dialogue between the leaders of the Central Asian countries regarding transport routes has expanded. The visit of the President of Turkmenistan, Sardar Berdimuhamedov, to Tajikistan and his talks with his Tajik counterpart, Imamali Rahman, were related to transport issues. Ashgabat offered Dushanbe access to Turkmenistan's ports on the Caspian Sea. Turkmenistan also wants to create a new transport corridor with Tajikistan. The heads of state signed 23 documents in Dushanbe. The leaders said that it is important to create a common infrastructure that will connect Asia, Europe and the Middle East. This means that Turkmenistan and Tajikistan hope that the transport routes that will connect the 3 continents will pass through their territories. Therefore, they first try to form common infrastructures between the two countries. Since Turkmenistan and Tajikistan do not have direct access to the oceans, both countries will use the opportunities of the Caspian Sea. In this sense, the importance of Turkmenbaşı port has increased.

Azerbaijan is also interested in the implementation of transport projects between Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Because both Turkmenistan and Tajikistan can cross the Caspian to Europe through Azerbaijan. The products of these two states can be delivered by Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway. Azerbaijan has close relations with both Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Joint projects were discussed during the official visit of Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev to Tajikistan some time ago.

Turkmenistan has another interest in expanding relations with Tajikistan. The gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to China will pass through Tajikistan. Turkmenistan plans to transport 25-30 billion cubic meters of gas annually to China through this pipeline. However, there are problems in the implementation of this plan. The pipeline must pass through the mountainous areas of Takkistan. In 2014, the Chinese oil and gas company "CNPC" signed an agreement with the Tajik company on the establishment of a joint venture. The joint company should carry out construction works on the territory of Tajikistan. The company had to build 42 mountain tunnels with a length of 63 kilometers. The company has only built one tunnel so far, and progress is slow. This situation worries China and Turkmenistan. That's why both Ashgabat and Beijing are trying to rush Takistan. This topic will be discussed at the summit of "China-Central Asia" leaders, which will start on May 17 and 18. At the summit to be held in China, special attention will be paid to the expansion of Beijing's relations with Central Asia.

"Atlas" Research Center

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"Atlas" Research Center was founded in Baku in 2003 by a group of political experts. The head of the center is political analyst Elkhan Sahinoglu.


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