Is America "creating" an artificial earthquake?

The number of "conspiracy theories" regarding the earthquake has increased again. One of the "versions" is that the earthquake in Turkey was created by a US Navy warship anchored in Istanbul on February 3, which supposedly has special technology that creates earthquakes.

Earthquake experts reject this version. One of the scientists said that it would take hundreds of thousands of atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in World War II to create a magnitude 7 earthquake. There is no energy in the world to create artificial earthquakes. Earthquakes occur hundreds of kilometers deep.

The USA is considered the most powerful country in the world. However, even the world's superpower cannot artificially create an earthquake or tsunami. If America had such a power, it would first collapse Russia, which waged an aggressive war against Ukraine. Instead of making accusations that "earthquakes are America's business", we should think about building earthquake-resistant buildings and strengthening other buildings. Stronger earthquakes occur in Japan, but buildings are not fenced because earthquake-resistant technologies are used in this country. However, like Japan, the country succumbed to the tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear power plant on the coast was damaged. "Akkuyu" nuclear power plant is being built on the basis of Russian technology in the area where the earthquake occurred in Turkey. The main issue is to ensure the resistance of this station to a severe earthquake and tsunami.



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