Who sent the Minsk Group to the trash?

The statement of the spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, at the last conference held in Moscow, that "Western countries have thrown the format of the Minsk Group into the dustbin of history" needs correction. Yes, the second part of the sentence reflects the truth, the Minsk Group format has been thrown into the dustbin of history. However, the group was not dumped by the West, it was done by Azerbaijan and Russia. After the victory in the Second Karabakh War, Azerbaijan officially announced its withdrawal from the Minsk Group. If one of the parties has refused the institution of co-chairmanship, the group cannot work. The second major blow to the format of the Minsk Group was the invasion war that Russia started against Ukraine in February of last year. Until the war of occupation, Moscow did not abandon the format of the Minsk Group. Since the USA and France have accepted sanctions against Russia, it was impossible for these 3 countries to discuss the Karabakh issue at the same table. If sanctions against Russia were not applied, today Russia would like to continue the work of the Minsk Group format together with the USA and France. However, this is not possible against the background of the Ukrainian war, and even if the war ends, the co-chairs will not be able to work together. Nevertheless, Yerevan still hopes that the Minsk Group format will be revived. It is no coincidence that Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent his "peace proposals" to the co-chairing states - Russia, USA and France, along with Azerbaijan.


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