Whose interests are provocations at the border?

When Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev and Armenia's Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan are to meet in Brussels in 2 days, whose interests does the provocation on the border serve? In one of his last statements, Pashinyan expressed his dissatisfaction with the mediation of Charles Michel, the head of the European Union. Pashinyan is dissatisfied with Michel because the head of the European Union wants to sign a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia in a short period of time and does not touch the Karabakh issue. Pashinyan cannot directly say "no" to Michel's proposal "let's hold a tripartite meeting again in Brussels", but he could have given the green light to provocation at the border a few days before the talks, so that no result could be reached in the negotiations. There is another version.

Nikol Pashinyan himself admitted in one of his speeches that there is a "fifth column" in the Armenian army. When Pashinyan said "fifth column", he was referring to high-ranking Armenian military personnel connected to Russian intelligence. If Pashinyan is unable to control his army, it means that Azerbaijani positions could be fired upon by the order of some Armenian general connected to Russian intelligence. In this case, the order to "fire on Azerbaijani positions" came from the Kremlin, which wants to disrupt the mediation of Brussels and Washington. This means that the Azerbaijani army has to fight both against the Armenian army controlled from Yerevan and against the Armenian generals who receive instructions from the Kremlin.

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"Atlas" Research Center was founded in Baku in 2003 by a group of political experts. The head of the center is political analyst Elkhan Sahinoglu.


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