Press Releases


Press Releases

Why did Zelensky call Baku?

The day after Ilham Aliyev and Russian and Azerbaijani presidents Vladimir Putin spoke by phone, the head of state of Ukraine ...
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Is an alliance between Iran and Al-Qaeda possible?

According to US sources, it has been six years since Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri was killed in an airstrike in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.
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What proposals did Pashinyan send to Baku?

If in the text of the peace agreement sent by the Armenian government to Baku, there is again a clause about Karabakh, this time too...
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Iranian weapons will be on both sides

The Russian army is not the only one using Iranian weapons in the war against Ukraine. Iranian weapons to the Ukrainian army...
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Will there be another debate in Munich?

The traditional Security Conference will be held in Munich on February 17-19. Many leaders, high-ranking diplomats and ...
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The separatists will examine Turkish products

The press service of the "Ministry of National Security" of the Karabakh separatists published such a news that "Turkey village in Arsakh ...
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Moscow returned Ruben Vardanyan for this purpose

Armenian separatists' "state minister" Ruben Vardanyan was summoned to Moscow and after consultations, he returned the same way...
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A head of the "Karabakh clan" was also beheaded

The criminal case against Seyran Ohanyan, the former Minister of Defense of Armenia, the leader of the opposition "Armenia" faction in the parliament...
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Is opening the border dangerous for Azerbaijan?

Armenia sent humanitarian aid to Turkey from the border post. Special representative of Turkey for the normalization of relations with Armenia, Serdar ...
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About us

"Atlas" Research Center was founded in Baku in 2003 by a group of political experts. The head of the center is political analyst Elkhan Sahinoglu.


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