Why is Israel interested in South Azerbaijan?

32 members of the Israeli parliament applied to the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding South Azerbaijan. They asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel to pay attention to the strengthening of Tehran's repressive measures against the Iranian opposition and the southern Azerbaijanis. The deputies' address contains these sentences: "Azerbaijanis are the largest nation in Iran, numbering more than 20 million. The regime is carrying out a policy of cultural genocide, restricting the rights of Azerbaijanis to study and pass on their heritage, to teach the Azerbaijani language and even to register their children."

The appeal of 32 members of the Israeli parliament to the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding South Azerbaijan is a historic event. Firstly, 32 deputies are one quarter of all members of the Israeli parliament. This number may increase. Since the Islamic revolution in Iran, Israel has been declared an enemy state. However, during the Shah regime in Iran, Tehran had close relations with Israel. Iran and Israel were the two main allies of the United States in the region. After the regime in Iran declared Israel an enemy country, Israel intensified the fight against the regime in Iran. Iran's nuclear activities primarily concern Israel. Because if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, Israel will be targeted. Therefore, the Israeli government and Israeli MPs want the regime in Iran to change and the people's power to be formed in this country. Second, Israel carefully monitors the processes in Iran and has rightly concluded that Azerbaijanis living in Iran are one of the main powers. This power is at a level that will weaken the theocratic regime in Iran. The regime in Iran is most afraid of Azerbaijani activists, and it is Azerbaijanis who are the most arrested. Therefore, Israi found it necessary to pay attention to the topic of South Azerbaijan.

Israel's increasing attention to South Azerbaijan has worried the supporters of the Shah, who are opposed to it, as well as the Iranian regime. Reza Pahlavi, the son of the former Shah of Iran Mohammadreza Pahlavi, called the appeal of 32 members of the Israeli Parliament to the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding South Azerbaijan an unacceptable act. Pahlavi evaluated this appeal of Israeli Knesset members as a step against Iran's territorial integrity: "Such foolish statements completely contradict the positions of Israeli leaders and high-ranking officials in my meetings with them. Today, I expressed my concern and that of my compatriots in this matter to our friends in Jerusalem. The appeal of the deputies serves the interests of the Iranian authorities." Pahlavi asked the state of Israel to clarify the issue and to make a statement about the action that casts a shadow on the friendship between the Iranian-Israeli peoples.

Reza Pahlavi's father and grandfather oppressed Azerbaijanis no less than the regime in Iran. During the Shah's reign, thousands of Azerbaijanis were killed, and prisons were filled with innocent people. Pahlavi's grandson should first of all acknowledge the mistakes of the Shah's regime, to put it mildly, and emphasize that they should not be repeated in the future. However, instead of doing this, he was angry with Israel, which gave importance to the South Azerbaijan factor. However, some time ago, Pahlavi found it necessary to visit Israel. Probably, Pahlavi mistakenly thought that if he was invited to Israel, he was accepted as the main alternative to the Iranian regime. Pahlavi and his supporters have become more active in recent months, trying to present themselves as the main alternative to the current regime in Iran, participating in various forums and conferences. Despite this, those from South Azerbaijan, who have found political refuge in Western countries and have been fighting against the Iranian regime for years, have increased their activity, and they do not see Pahlavi as an alternative to the regime in Iran. Despite their dialogue with Pahlavi, Israel and Western countries consider it necessary to establish contact with all the forces opposed to the Iranian regime. This is the right strategy. Because different nationalities fighting against the regime in Iran, including Azerbaijanis, are fighting for democracy, human and national rights. They are not fighting to restore the Pahlavi dynasty to power.

"Atlas" Research Center

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"Atlas" Research Center was founded in Baku in 2003 by a group of political experts. The head of the center is political analyst Elkhan Sahinoglu.


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