Brains poisoned by separatism are not ready for peace

The publication of the International Crisis Group forecast report by the Armenian websites that the tension between Azerbaijan and Armenia will continue this year is a clear proof that the Armenian separatists and their supporters are in a desperate situation.

Firstly, the authors of the report wrote that the new war between Azerbaijan and Armenia will be no less dramatic than the war of 2020, and the winner will be Azerbaijan again.

Second, the authors of the report wrote that Azerbaijan has increased its military power in the last two years, the military alliance with Turkey has strengthened, while the military equipment of the Armenian army has weakened, and Iravan could not get what it wanted from Russia. The main reason for this is that military equipment is needed by Russia itself, which is waging an aggressive war in Ukraine.

thirdly, the authors of the report drew attention to another factor working in favor of Azerbaijan: Europe needs Azerbaijani gas. In other words, the authors of the report wanted to say that Europe will not prevent Azerbaijan from reaching its new goals.

When writing about the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict, the authors of the report often referred to the war in Ukraine. This means that the world's attention is on Ukraine, and if Azerbaijan continues to oppress Armenia, it will not cause a serious reaction from the international world.

The International Crisis Group report echoes what is happening today. In September 2022, the Azerbaijani army took control of the strategic heights on the contact line with Armenia. Armenian authorities asked for support from Russia and Western countries. Russia and the Collective Security Treaty Organization did not interfere in the issue, Armenian politicians and Armenian society were disappointed. Azerbaijani activists started a protest action on the road connecting Armenia and Karabakh. Armenia again asked for support from Russia and Western countries. The result is still the same, Yerevan tried to pass a resolution against Azerbaijan in the UN Security Council with the help of France, but it failed. Azerbaijan's partners among the permanent and non-permanent members of the UN Security Council did not allow France to discuss the resolution against Azerbaijan.

In such a situation, Armenia has no hope, the only alternative is to recognize the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and Karabakh as the territory of Azerbaijan and sign a peace agreement under these conditions. But brains poisoned by separatism do not allow this yet.

"Atlas" Research Center



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"Atlas" Research Center was founded in Baku in 2003 by a group of political experts. The head of the center is political analyst Elkhan Sahinoglu.


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