The North-South project is in jeopardy

Russia and Iran will soon sign an agreement on strategic partnership. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdullahian discussed this with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov during his visit to Moscow a few days ago. The agreement is planned to be signed in the coming months.

The strategic partnership agreement between Russia and Iran should replace the cooperation agreement signed between the two countries in 2001. During this period, Iran turned from a partner of Russia into a strategic partner. Therefore, Moscow and Tehran need a new agreement.

Moscow wants to form a triple coalition with Iran and China in the fight against the West. Tehran is also interested in this coalition. Iran signed a strategic partnership agreement with China in 2021 and with Venezuela in 2022. Venezuela and Iran are united only by anti-American politics. Tehran and Beijing, along with anti-American policy, are united by deep economic and trade relations. China should invest heavily in Iran in the coming years. Besides, China is interested in buying cheap oil from Iran. Beijing's efforts to reconcile Iran and Saudi Arabia also indicate China's growing role in the Eurasian region.

The trade exchange between Russia and Iran will increase by 15 percent to 5 billion dollars in 2022. Moscow wants to realize the North-South transport corridor with Iran at the next stage. Russia plans to increase trade exchanges with distant Asian countries through this corridor. For this purpose, the Rasht-Astara railway should be built on the territory of Iran by 2025. However, these plans of Moscow are now in jeopardy. Because Iran's increasing provocations against Azerbaijan have strained the relations between the two countries. Azerbaijan's embassy in Iran has stopped its activities. Tehran continues to make statements against Azerbaijan's growing cooperation with Israel. The name of Iran is mentioned in the terrorist attack against the Azerbaijani deputy in Baku. In the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, it was stated that Iran was behind the terrorist attack.

In such a situation, the perspective of the North-South transport corridor, which will also pass through Azerbaijan, raises questions. For this project to work, Iran should stop provocations against Azerbaijan and try to normalize relations. However, Tehran does not do these things.

"Atlas" Research Center

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