The Taliban have not forgotten

A meeting was held in Moscow on February 8 with the participation of high-ranking officials and diplomats of countries neighboring Afghanistan. The situation in Afghanistan and possible threats from this country to the region were discussed at the meeting. Russia was represented at the meeting by the Chairman of the Security Council Nikolay Patrushev.

Speaking at the meeting, the representatives of Russia and Iran criticized the US as usual for the situation in Afghanistan. According to their logic, the US military intervention in Afghanistan in the early 2000s and the inability to establish law and order in this country led to the current difficult situation. At the meeting, the Chinese and Indian representatives did not criticize the United States for the difficult situation in Afghanistan, as did the Russian and Iranian representatives. Beijing and Delhi distance themselves from Moscow's anti-Western policies. It is interesting that the Taliban, which controls this country, was not represented at the meeting about Afghanistan.

After capturing the capital city of Kabul, the Taliban is trying to regain its legitimacy in the international world. But there is no result yet. The UN also has no decision to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.

Security problems in Afghanistan have not been solved. The concerns of the Central Asian countries, India and Pakistan, which are neighbors of Afghanistan, have not decreased. Afghanistan's economic and social problems have not been solved, the situation in the field of human rights is severe, women's rights are violated, women's opportunities to work and study are limited. Doubts remain that the Taliban movement has severed ties with the terrorist group "Al-Qaeda". According to the analysis of the World Bank, about 70 percent of the population of Afghanistan cannot buy the necessary food products. 90 percent of the population has limited access to medical services.

The Taliban is trying to get financial help from outside. About 9 billion dollars of Afghanistan's funds have been frozen in US banks. Washington does not want to give this money to the Taliban.

Pakistan and India have interests in Afghanistan. Both countries also compete with each other regarding Afghanistan. There are other armed groups in Afghanistan. Afghanistan had positive relations with India until the Taliban took over. Despite this, India continues to send humanitarian aid to Afghans. In this sense, the Taliban has not given up relations with Delhi. Taliban leaders do not express strong views on India. India has spent 3 billion dollars on various economic and social projects in Afghanistan. The Taliban want Delhi to continue these projects.

Pakistan has also provided financial support to Afghanistan for many years. The Taliban as a movement originated and consolidated on the territory of Pakistan. Despite this, the current leadership of the Taliban does not want to depend on Pakistan, they are trying to have an equal partnership. For example, the Taliban does not intervene in the dispute between India and Pakistan, and does not express a position on Kashmir. Pakistan's army and police are fighting radical groups inside the country. The Taliban leadership emphasizes that it has no connection with those groups. After the Taliban captured the capital Kabul, there is no tension in the relations with the USA and other Western countries. The West does not engage with the Taliban.

Before the Taliban took over Kabul, the former governments of Afghanistan had close ties with Azerbaijan. He helped Azerbaijan to Afghanistan and created conditions for Afghan officials to participate in courses in Baku. After the Taliban seized power, these relations were severed. On the other hand, the Taliban does not have any desire from Azerbaijan.

"Atlas" Research Center


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